Dear ChildHood,

Can you please tell me where have you gone? I remember...............

- When winter meant loads of fun with my home made sweater was out before the arrival of winters today we have zippers and uppers of “Nike” and “Adidas”.

- When i use to go to a games parlor after school and use to play my favorite game "Contra" it was much more fun than playing “Angry Birds”.

- When "Face t

o Face" was far important then "FaceBook".

- When “Vikram-Betaal” always ended with a learning but today “Doreman” and “Ben-10” our new heroes are huge hit among the “Marketer’s” who are selling everything possible in their name.

-When i use to write long slam books for friend’s today the emotions are expressed as “Like”

- Earlier i use to “Write fast” while practicing for exams but today i “Type fast” for “wass up” and “chatting”

- When i was treated as “child” not a “Kid” whose expected to “Grow up” fast!!

It’s a great feeling that things are changing as per changing times but you please don’t change and i want you to remain “What you are”!!

Missing u Badly
Posted on 5:33 PM by ANKUR DHAR and filed under | 0 Comments »


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